The Community Choices Program is offered by Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services and other Aging Service Access Points across the Commonwealth to very frail, nursing home eligible invididuals. With the help of this program, these individuals have the opportunity to remain at home rather than receive care in an institutional setting.
Community Choices provides intensive services to individuals who are at imminent risk of nursing facility placement and whose needs cannot be adequately met by other State Home Care programs. They receive a range of services that can help avoid nursing home placement - services such as homemaking, personal care, companion, and adult day health. Eligible individuals are: age 60 and over, are eligible for MassHealth, are at imminent risk of nursing home placement, and need additional supports to remain at home.
For more information about the Community Choices Program, please call the SCES Aging Information Center at 617-628-2601 ext. 3151.