Friday, February 1, 2008

Looking for Coaches for Falls Prevention Program

Chances are you know someone who has fallen or who is afraid of falling. A Matter of Balance is a proven program designed to help people manage concerns about falls and increase physical activity. Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services is looking for volunteers to help provide this program, throughout the cities of Cambridge and Somerville.

This is an evidenced based program, adapted by MainesHealths' Partnership on Healthy Aging, from the clinical model developed by Boston University. It is conducted in 8 two hour sessions, using group discussion, problem solving strategies, videos and strength and flexibility exercise. Older adults learn positive coping methods to reduce fear of falling and remain active and independent.

Volunteer coaches need good communication skills, enthusiasm, dependability and a willingness to lead small groups of older adults. Coaches also need to be able to lead low to moderate level exercise. Coaches need to commit to doing two trainings per year, monitored by a Master Trainer. The time commitment for a year is only 38 hours inclusive of their certification training. All materials and training provided by Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services.

Falls are the number one cause of injury deaths in people 65 and older, as well as the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital admissions for trauma. Falls don't just happen, they are preventable. Being a volunteer coach could help bring those numbers down in your community.

Anyone interested should contact Janet Hand @ 617-628-2601 ext.3153.