Friday, February 1, 2008

Volunteer Medical Escorts Sought

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) is seeking caring, dependable people to accompany elders to medical appointments and other destinations. Escorts receive a stipend of $10 per trip ($15 for a trip that lasts 4 hours or more).

SCES is seeking escorts with and without cars. The organization is able to provide round-trip transportation to and from physicians' offices for some of the elders it serves. However, for other types of trips, SCES is seeking escorts who are willing to use their own car.

The escort service assists elders who have no family or friends to accompany them on these vital trips out of the house. Escorts are needed to act as a friendly companion and to offer a reassuring arm. If you are interested in helping elders remain safe and independent in the community, this may be a good opportunity for you.

For further information or to schedule an interview, please call 617-628-2601 ext. 3153. Additional information available at